My Artworks Got Freatured Around The World!
WIRED Magazine ITALIA (Italia) 14 Jul. 2015
Mobile e minimal, l’opera d’arte nasce con un’app
DesignTAXI 30 Jun. 2015
Illustrations Inspired By Pop Culture, Classic Art Created On An iPhone
more than 2700 Likes, 250 Sharings on Facebook Page.
Bored Panda 15 Jul. 2015
My Iconic Minimal Illustrations Created On An Iphone
Update or Die! (Brasil) 04 Jul. 2015
Ilustrações minimalistas criadas em smartphone
Singular Graphic Design (Spain) 09 APR. 2015
Nemury y sus dibujos en la cuadrícula
Design Father 1 Jul. 2015
eye-catching portraits, using just an iPhone drawing app
more than 2800 Likes, 800 Sharings on Facebook.
Creative Drum (UK.) 9 Mar. 2015
13 of the Best Japanese Illustrators Working in the Industry Today
365 awesome designers 01 Feb. 2015
Kuvva from Amsterdam,Nederland 13 Jan. 2015
#patchwork: geometrical illustration made easy!
China Central Television (CCTV) 22 Jul. 2015
Can you recognize any of these famous artworks?
more than 1100 Likes
Awesome Inventions 00 0. 2015
Minimalistic Versions Of Iconic Artworks Created On An iPhone
Cin Fikir (Turkey ) 6 Jul. 2015
iPhone Uygulaması ile Yapılan Tasarımlar
微头条 29 Sep. 2015
Pikicast 05 Aug. 2015
DESIGN INDABA 21 Sep. 2015
Japanese graphic designer Nemury creates abstract artworks on his iPhone
Swide 02 Aug. 2015
Iconic art goes minimal in iPhone illustrations
BIBLESTOCK 20 Aug. 2015
A.CASA magazine (Italia) 21 Jul. 2015
Cut Magazine (Turkey) 02 Jul. 2015
Kendinizin yorumunu değil, sanat yorumunuzu paylaşın!
GOOGLE+ Adobe Creative Cloud Japan (Japan) 27 Feb. 2015
Adobe Creative Cloud Japan (アドビ システムズ公式Google+)
rulez-t.info (Russia) 15 Jul. 2015
Минималистичные иллюстрации созданные при помощи iPhone (14 фото)
Cadena (Spain) 16 Jul. 2015
Ilustraciones minimalistas hechas con un iPhone
Tiragraffi Magazine (Italia) 1 Jul. 2015
Nemury e le sue illustrazioni “patchwork” da iPhone
SITE 0 Jun. 2015
SITE 0 Jun. 2015
"Tokyo Potted Gardens" Got Freatured Around The World!
◆旅行與閱讀 | 《我這一代東京人》 -China-
◆Горшечные сады Токио. Япония -Russia-
◆发现生活中的小确幸 TsuyaTsuya拍摄的东京植木钵 on TRAVELDES -China-
◆Tokyo's Potted Gardens on Stugio G (PITH + VIGOR )
◆Tokyo's Potted Gardens on Joseph Hillenmeyer Associates - US-
◆paradis express -France-
◆ХАРЕСА МИ -Russia-
◆Tokyo Potted Gardens東京植木鉢 on植株物语 -China-
◆ Sig.limetta 小站 -China-
◆TsuyaTsuya拍摄的东京植木钵 -China-
◆Tokyo potted garden on rocobaroco's blog
◆5000 over Reactions on Tumblr
◆Tokyo potted gardens
◆Tokyo potted gardens
◆Tokyo potted gardens